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PAPPA 2025 Advertising Rates


*Top banner ad, black and white or full color

$175 per issue, horizontal (non-member rate $250 per issue)

*Bottom Banner ad, black and white or full color

$125 per issue, horizontal (non-member rate $200 per issue)


Banner ads should be created in horizontal orientation, 1200 pixels wide x 60 pixels high, and 122.314 pixels high resolution .JPG file

Banner ad on the PAPPA home page for one month with hotline to your company website.

*$100 per month*

*Website ads are available only to members*

If you are interested in purchasing an AD, please click here

Advertisement Requirements

Acceptable Ad material:

*Ads must be properly sized to one of the standard advertising Units

*Ads must be submitted by email; .JPG only

*PAPPA reserves the right to reject any advertisement (newsletter ad, banner ad, email blast, etc.) that the Board of Directors determines is not in PAPPA's best interest to publish

Call: 610-901-1048                                                    Email:                  Address: PO Box 104, Westtown, PA 19395

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